Monday, September 17, 2018

We're Starting Our Gummy Review-A-Thon On Time, But Our Monday Morning Breakfast Thought Will Be Late

We've decided this week would be the perfect week to have a review-a-thon, and one of our favourite review-a-thons to do is gummy review-a-thons. There are just so many gummies to choose from so it makes review-a-thons so great. We've decided to start with a gummy that has the potential to be really strange, but likely isn't.

Click here to read about this potentially strange candy review.

Due to technical issues that we don't really want to explain (you can ask and we'll tell, but it will depress us), this week's Monday Morning Breakfast Thought will have to be a Tuesday Morning Breakfast Thought instead. We were thinking of canceling it, but frankly we have a breakfast treat we're really excited about trying. Make sure to check back tomorrow for the new episode (or follow us on YouTube to get a notice when it's posted).

Also make sure to follow us on Twitter and/or Facebook to keep up with our day to day candy shenanigans.


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