Monday, November 12, 2018

Memorable Japanese Kit Kats I've Reviewed - Part 1 - Two Japanese Classic Flavours In One

Last week we looked at some of the fun varieties of a classic Japanese treat, Pocky. This week we're looking at a classic British treat that took the world by storm, and then Japan ramped it up even further, the Kit Kat bar. It all started several years ago when Japan released a special green tea variety. Since then they've been breaking the boundaries of what we expect the Kit Kat bar to be. So every day this week we're posting a look back at some of the more interesting Japanese Kit Kat bars that we've reviewed. We're still in Japan, and hopefully we're finding even more.

For our first entry this week, I thought I would start with a Kit Kat bar that pretty much sums up the  flavours of Japanese candy. Japan has some pretty creative treats of their own, but they also excel at taking already established treats and giving them a Japanese spin. Two of the more common flavours to use in this kind of adaptation is match green tea and sweet red bean paste.

In the  past there have been various matcha and red bean Kit Kat bars, but this was the first time I'd ever seen them both together. It's a strange flavour combination, but it really does taste Japanese.

Click here to read our review about this ultra Japanese flavoured Kit Kat.

Also make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with our Japanese adventures right now.


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