Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Memorable Japanese Kit Kats I've Reviewed - Part 3 - The Ones You Bake

Remember that all week we're looking at some of the most memorable Japanese Kit Kat bars we've ever reviewed on the site. Last week we checked out Pocky and discovered some pretty creative ideas, but nothing as creative as the Kit Kat bar we're looking at today.

This Kit Kat bar was a thing of legend in the candy community when it first came out, no one could figure out how it worked. This was a Kit Kat bar that you put in the oven. The strange thing is that unlike regular Kit Kat bars, when you put it in the over it didn't melt into a puddle of melted chocolate. Instead this Kit Kat bar somehow grew a shell of cookie goodness.

No one is arguing that the way this bar does this can only be evil science or terrible magic, but the results are pretty tasty. When this bar was first released I remember reading so many other blogs about these cookies and I couldn't figure out how it worked.

Fortunately for you I decided to video the whole exspirience of baking these most creative of Kit Kat bars.

Click here to read our review of this very wild Kit Kat bar.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to find out what kind of Japanese treats we've come across in Japan this week.


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