Monday, December 10, 2018

We're Starting A Review-A-Thon, And It's All About Japanese Kit Kat Bars - Kit Kat "Cranberry and Almond"

All this week we're going to be posting reviews for various Japanese Kit Kat bars. We've got the good, the bad and the wasabi. There are hundreds of Japanese Kit Kat bars that have been made, and we're going to try and taste them all. If we fail, it's the greatest battle one could lose.

Here's the first entry in our Japanese Kit Kat review-a-thon.

Last week we did a quick ranking of 5 of the bars we got, and you can check it out in this YouTube video.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to keep up with the many reviews we'll be posting all week.

On a secondary note, we've decided that we're going to re-work our YouTube video channel. We've started to notice that we're pumping out content that we're not really happy with (and you don't appear to be watching it anyways). To start, we've decided to do our Monday Morning Breakfast Thoughts monthly instead of weekly. We're also looking to cut back the number of fully produced videos each month,  but we may have more informal videos posted more regularly (depending on what we're up to). Make sure to check out our YouTube channel and subscribe to keep up with this content.


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