Monday, March 11, 2019

Today I Review A Surprisingly Good Marshmallow - Marshmallow Cones

I've said it before, but I don't like marshmallows that much. I also don't like licorice and fake banana flavour either. People are often shocked that there are some candy flavours that I don't like. While I don't like them, I do recognize that others do, so I try and make my personal preferences clear when I write a review. I mention that I'm not a fan, and even suggest that your tastes might be different than my tastes. When people ask, I often suggest that you don't take my reviews as the answer to weather a candy is good or not, but use it as a barometer and judge my taste versus yours and see how a particular candy might fit into your own arena.

Click here to read the marshmallow review that I actually didn't mind.

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