Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Issue 1 Of Snack Facts Is Here!!!

Hey everybody, issue 1 of Snack Facts is here! For the low, low price of 50 cents, you can have issue 1 of Snack Facts sent to you and enjoy the greatest micro comic on the subject of snacks and candy in the world. This issue is a look back at the history of one of the most popular candies in the world, the gummy bear. You can have it sent to you and print off this fun micro comic with only one sheet of paper. Print it off as small or as large as you like, you can even print off multiple copies for every room in your house (or every corner of your room).

Click here to learn more about Snack Facts, and to buy issue 1 (you can also still download issue 0 for free).

You can also follow Candy Critic on Patreon and receive issue 1 of Snack Facts for free.


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