Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Candy This Year

It's been a weird year, and a weird holiday season. Some of us are doing okay, other's are not. To all those not doing great right now, I'm here for you, maybe not physically, but I'm here for you. I can't say anything else except it's going to get better. It might not be the same as it was before, but it's going to get better. I'll tell you why I'm so optimistic. Around Halloween I had recently returned home from living in Asia, and even though Covid was still around, I was looking forward to being home and eating some Canadian/North American treats. Then, as more news of Covid hit, I learned that Halloween was going to be canceled, and Halloween treats were going to be reduced or entirely canceled at many stores. I felt like I was coming home to an empty house. I was worried that the world was going to remain empty and maybe never fill up again. 

Then Christmas started to peek its way in, and people started to decorate their houses, and best of all for me, stores started to fill up with Christmas cheer. Sure it's not the same as in years past, but it's much better than it was at Halloween. Sure I over indulged this year, but I feel like I needed it a little. So go out and over indulge this holiday season. Maybe it won't be with food, but be extra festive no mater what you celebrate.

Click here to read yet another Christmas review.

Make sure to check out my Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook feeds to find out how I'm indulging a little.

Also be sure to read the latest issue of Snack Facts and learn all about the candy cane.


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