Monday, February 15, 2021

It's Quality Street All Week!!!

I haven't done a review-a-thon lately, and I also haven't reviewed every single Quality Street chocolate. So it seemed like the perfect fit would be to review each and every Quality Street (that I could find) in one week. Keep in mind that I know there are some other Quality Street chocolates out there, these are just the more common ones, or at the very least the ones available at the bulk store where I shop. It's a little embarrassing sorting through a bin of Quality Street chocolates looking for two of each, but I did it for the love of being a completionist. 

I've apparently started out with what I might call a really average chocolate, so I'm hoping things get better.

P.S. I'm not going to review the Purple One, because I already have, twice.

Click here to find out why the Quality Street "Strawberry Delight" is not that impressive.

Make sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep up with every new Quality Street chocolate I review this week.

If you follow me on Patreon, I might even give you one.


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