Monday, March 15, 2021

Easter In Covid Times

I feel like Easter is the one holiday that can work during Covid. While we all want to be outside or with extended family right now, Easter is the holiday where those in your house can celebrate together. More to the point, even if Covid was not a thing, it's very likely that you would not be going out during Easter (except those who celebrate at church). So start thinking about how you can celebrate this year and make sure to make it a great Easter. Hide treats no matter how old you are, paint Easter eggs now matter what lever artist you are, make this the best Easter ever and build new traditions that will last forever. If you do know someone who is absolutely alone, dawn your bunny ears and drop off a basket at their front door.

Be safe, but make Easter awesome.

Click here to read the first of several Easter review I have planned for this year.

Also be sure to check out my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to see what else I've got planned.

I just dropped a new video on YouTube all about this particular Easter bunny, be sure to check it out.


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