Monday, August 02, 2021

Not All Kit Kat Bars Are The Same

I think we can all agree that not all Kit Kat bars are the same. After all there's not way that a milk chocolate Kit Kat will taste anything at all like a wasabi flavoured Kit Kat bar. There is however one thing about American Kit Kat bars that's a little strange, and that's the fact that they're made by Hershey's. Everywhere else in the world Kit Kat bars are made by Nestle, but for some reason Hershey makes all the Kit Kat bars in the US. I'm sure there's some kind of guideline that they follow to keep them in line with the Nestle bars, but I will be honest, in general I find American Kit Kat bars to be less superior to just about any other Kit Kat bar.

Click here to read my latest Kit Kat bar review that just happens to be American.

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