Monday, January 24, 2022

Is It Lazy To Be Mysterious?

One of the trends in candy that almost always frustrates me is the idea of a mystery flavour. While I'm sure there are many marketing reasons that candy companies use this trend, my brain keeps telling me that they're only being lazy. I feel like someone created a weird flavour that no one at the company could figure out. Rather then think creatively and decide on a flavour, I feel like these candy companies just label the candy as a "mystery" flavour. In some cases they label it as a mystery and then let other people guess what flavour it is. Then I imagine that they pick the most popular choice of what people thought it tasted like and just call it by that flavour from then on. I don't know for sure that this has ever been the case, but it's what I imagine.

Check out our latest mysterious candy review right now.

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