Monday, May 22, 2023

1701 Candy Reviews

This very review marks the 1701st review on That means that I can now brag that I've got over 1700 reviews on Candy Critic, and I can even say that we're nearing 2000. One thing that many people tell me about reviewing candy is that at some point I'm going to run out, personally I doubt that at this point. There are times now when I'll visit a store and discover that I've reviewed each and every candy on the shelf, but I have yet to go on a trip where I don't find something brand new. I'm also inundated with all kinds of news and press releases talking about brand new treats coming out. I know for a fact that I'm going to make it safely to 1800 reviews, but I also imagine that I'll make it to 2000 as well.

Check out my 1701st candy review right now!

You can also check out my very first review right here.


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