Monday, June 05, 2023

Can Retro Candy Be Too Retro


There's the common idea that all retro candy is great, but I'm not sure that I completely agree. In fact I have several reviews on this site for retro candies that are nowhere near the best candy ever. There is the fact that some candies that where made a really long time ago, may not be much more than burnt sugar. These candies did not have the technology that we have now, or even the technology that's been around for the last 40 years to make something great. I will however admit that I am as guilty as anyone for loving a candy not because it's objectively good, but because it takes me back to my childhood. Sure I try and point that out in my reviews, but I'm sure some nostalgia slips through the cracks.

Check out my latest review of a truly retro/nostalgic treat.


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