Monday, August 21, 2023

Just A Carrot?


With all kinds of state and provincial fairs going on right now, weird food flavours comes to mind. This week's featured review falls in to the category of candies that I wish tasted really bad. I even go off on a bit of a rant about it. It's strange how I crave weird foods, yet at some state fairs right now they're making crazy concoctions that I really have no interest in trying at all. In some ways I feel like there's a difference between ice cream that tastes like a cheeseburger and gummies that taste like carrots. In some ways I feel like it's okay for gummies to have strange flavour, but maybe certain flavours should be left alone when it comes to ice cream. Fortunately I also feel like my mind can change, and I hope it does each and every day.

Check out my disappointment at these orange flavoured gummy carrots.


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