Monday, January 01, 2024

Retro Candy Is Tough


I always have a hard time reviewing retro candy. First and foremost it makes me feel old, particularly when a candy was brand new at some point in my life and it's now considered retro. That means that I'm retro and that's not cool.  The other problem I have is that I'm never really sure if retro candy is still the same as it was back in the day. Recipes as well as standards have changed, so it might not be possible to match a treat from days gone by. The final problem I have with retro candy is that expectations have changed. Artificial flavours have improved, flavours have become more extreme and the choices you have today for treats is vastly larger than in the past. This sometimes makes a great retro candy kind of lame by today's standards.

Check out my latest retro review, see how it held up by today's standards.

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