Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A New Episode of Junk Fud on the Road all about Singapore and Malaysia!

 In this episode Allison and Chris talk about their recent trip to Singapore and Malaysia. Make sure to listen and learn all about their latest discovery, Kaya.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Time To Bone Up On Your Snack Facts

If you've ever wanted to know a little more about the treats you love to snack on, make sure to pick up the complete Snack Facts right now.

You can pick up every issue (or the complete large sized edition) right now at or on Amazon .

Monday, July 29, 2024

What Are The Most Common Ice Cream Toppings

I think the debate about what ice cream toppings are the best would run forever, with no winner ever announced. This is mostly because the best ice cream toppings are very subjective. The real question is what are the most common ice cream toppings, particularly when we're talking about store bought ice cream treats. While I haven't done any real research on this subject, my guess is chocolate and peanuts. Peanuts might be losing favour these days with so many people having allergies, but I still think chocolate and peanut with a vanilla ice cream is probably still very popular. The next question is why are these ingredients so popular. Is it because people really love them, or is it because it's simple and less expensive?

Check out my latest ice cream review featuring peanuts, chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Selling Candy With Sexy Bunnies?


Do you really need a sexy bunny to sell candy?

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Sweet Potato Butter Spread Better Than Nutella?

 When I first started this series of blogs comparing Nutella to other spreads, my main focus was on chocolate hazelnut spreads, then it expanded to any kind of chocolate spread, now I think it’s gone off the rails a little. Comparing sweet potato spread to Nutella probably isn’t very fair, as they’re completely different things. The problem is since I’m now searching the grocery store isles for spreads, I sometimes come across odd things to put on toast, and sometimes I can’t pass one up. My brain also has a hard time trying to come up with another way to write about this odd spread, so I just lump it in a category that it probably doesn’t belong.

As for the spread itself, the first thing some people might have to get over the fact that it’s made with a sweet potato. For some reason some people have a hard time readjusting themselves to believing that sweet potato works as a sweet ingredient. It’s odd because just about every sweet potato dish has a sweet aspect, and the word “sweet” is even in the name. 

The only problem I had with this spread is that I’m convinced that there’s more than just sweet potato in this spread. I feel like there’s some additional sugar and possibly some spices (I couldn’t read the ingredients as they’re not in English). This makes me feel a little ripped off, like when you eat something that’s pumpkin flavoured, but it’s actually flavoured with pumpkin as well as the spices that are associated with pumpkin pie. I’m not saying that there’s no sweet potato in this, I’m just wondering how much help the sweet potato has had to make it a little more flavourful.

As far as comparing it to Nutella, I think Nutella is a bit better. However, this does have a uniqueness to it that Nutella does not, and so I would say if you have the chance to try it you should. If you have the choice of either this or Nutella then I’d lean towards Nutella assuming you’re basing your choice on flavour and texture. If you’re basing your choice on adventure and uniqueness than I would probably suggest you try the sweet potato spread instead.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Time To Get Some Blue Orchid

Check out my most recent project, a fun comic called Blue Orchid. There's new stories coming out all the time as well as some cool merch!

Check out all things Blue Orchid at or pick up Chapter 1 on Amazon .

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Only Candy With A Hole In The Middle

There was a time when Life Savers claimed to be "the only one candy with a hole in the middle". I wonder if Life Savers were the first candy to put a hole in the middle. I know that there must have been some cereals around with holes, but I'm not sure if I can name an older candy than Life Savers with a hole in the middle. The more I think about it though, I still don't really know why you'd want a candy with a hole in the middle, since it would mean less candy. Now that I'm thinking about this so much, I'm starting to question the design of donuts too.

Holey Cow! Check out my latest hole filled review.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Simple Or Wrong?

 "Get happy, suck a Spangle." It's both innocent and not at the same time.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A Tale of a Fishy Cracker

 One part of this snack really stands out, and it's kind of surprising, yet also disappointing.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

It's A Good Thing Beasts Love Treats

If you love fun books featuring fun beasts and the treats they love to eat, make sure to pick up my alphabet book called Treats and Beasts.

Available at or on Amazon .

Monday, July 15, 2024

Should I Even Buy Spicy Snacks?

Probably one of my biggest weaknesses of being a snack/candy critic is the fact that I don't really like spicy foods. I've passed by a few treats in my day just because I thought they'd be too spicy. Honestly, the only reason I ever get spicy treats to review are if they're a gift, if I misread the label, or it has to be so interesting that I'm willing to take the chance. Maybe it's not fair to those candy makers making spicy snacks out there, but I just find it hard to build up the courage to eat spicy treats very often.

Check out my latest spicy review, and remember that I went through a bit of pain to write it.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Always A Riesen

 All this commercial tells me is that you should never talk to strangers, but it's okay to take their candy.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

A New Popcorn Name Might Pop Up

 When it comes to names of popcorn brands, I love a good pun. Not every brand manages to come up with a great pun, I’m looking at your Orville Redenbacher, but there are so many great names for popcorn brands that I figured it was well worth sharing my favourites. A good name can easily influence me to buy a particular popcorn, although my go to is Orville Redenbacher (it’s a bit of a contradiction I know). However, if a really clever name comes up I’ll at the very least give it a try.

Probably the most popular brand of popcorn with a fairly clever name is Pop Secret. The brand is so popular that I feel like the pun in the name is lost on most people. It’s even possible that you didn’t even think about it until reading this very article, but Pop Secret is a really clever name. I wonder if the early marketing for Pop Secret involved some kind of secret butter recipe, or maybe a top secret type of corn was being used. Either way it’s a solid pun for a popcorn brand.

I came across this Pop Star brand of popcorn, and I must say it’s also a pretty solid pun. It’s a little off track because I feel like pop stars are more about music, and people don’t really associate music and popcorn consumption. Maybe that the angle the Pop Star popcorn people thought they could exploit. Maybe people are eating popcorn at concerts, and I’m just not aware of it.

Mr Popgun is a slightly clever name for popcorn, but I’ll be honest, I think the package might be considered a little politically incorrect. I will also be honest and say that I did buy some of this popcorn because I found the package to be so politically incorrect, and the popcorn was really good. I assume the “popgun” is in reference to the toy guns that often shoot a small cork attached to a string out the muzzle. 

This Mr Bop popcorn is a bit of a conundrum. I feel like they’re trying to make some kind of pun, but I don’t really know what that pun is supposed to be. Maybe in some parts of the world the onomatopoeia for the sound popcorn makes is “bop” and not “pop”. Although that would mean you’re eating bopcorn and not popcorn. The marketing behind this brand is a little confusing, but I feel like there’s at least an attempt to make it fun.

While writing this article I was trying to come up with some good pun names that have not been used yet for popcorn. I decided to ask Allison and she instantly came up with one that was so good that I just gave up trying to come up with my own. She suggested that you use a military theme and just call it Colonel Kernel. I have to be honest, that might be better than Pop Secret, and it’s much better than all of the rest. So if any popcorn brand wants to use Colonel Kernel as a popcorn brand name, be my guest, I just ask that you send me some, I like the extra butter variety.


Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Some More Facts About Snacks

 Learn all about marshmallows, ice cream, gummy bears and a whole bunch of other awesome snacks by checking out my comic called Snack Facts.

You can pick up your very own collection at or on Amazon .

Monday, July 08, 2024

Are All Classic Candy Objectively Great?

I always have a hard time writing reviews for treats that I would call classic. I know that not everyone has the same classic treats as everyone else, but for me SweetTarts were a treat that's been part of my life for as long as I can remember. The problem is that I have a bit of nostalgia for this classic (North American?) treat. So when I want to write a review, no matter how good or bad this treat might actually be, I have a certain amount of nostalgia for it. I want it to be great, but I'm not entirely sure that's actually the case. Worse yet, what if I manage to convince myself it's not that great, that might ruin my entire childhood.

Read my full review of this classic treat, and let me know if you think nostalgia got in the way.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Not Sure About This Gum Commercial

 I'm pretty sure this gum commercial wouldn't fly today, but you can decide for yourself.


Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Quick List For Adults

Here's a quick list of the best adult candies I've ever reviewed on What makes a candy adult could probably be subject of a future podcast.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Read Some Blue Orchid

If you love a good comic filled with action and drama, as well as some fun monsters, be sure to check out Blue Orchid.

You can pick up all things Blue Orchid and see what's new at or on Amazon.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Healthy Candy?


The fact that the candy industry is constantly trying to prove itself "healthy" is problematic for me sometimes. You'd think that I would back this concept as it shines a positive light on candy, but honestly it just frustrates me. I believe that candy should be a small indulgence that you give yourself every now and then, not a part of your healthy diet. I also find that at times, like today, I find myself having a hard time deciding if some candy is in fact candy, or some kind of odd health supplement. I don't like candy pretending to be something it's not, I don't think it's healthy and it often makes candy makers dilute their amazing bites into something that is no longer as enjoyable and not really that healthy.

Check out my latest review and let me know if it's more candy or health food attempt.