Monday, July 08, 2024

Are All Classic Candy Objectively Great?

I always have a hard time writing reviews for treats that I would call classic. I know that not everyone has the same classic treats as everyone else, but for me SweetTarts were a treat that's been part of my life for as long as I can remember. The problem is that I have a bit of nostalgia for this classic (North American?) treat. So when I want to write a review, no matter how good or bad this treat might actually be, I have a certain amount of nostalgia for it. I want it to be great, but I'm not entirely sure that's actually the case. Worse yet, what if I manage to convince myself it's not that great, that might ruin my entire childhood.

Read my full review of this classic treat, and let me know if you think nostalgia got in the way.

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