Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Great Looking Cookies

Stopped by a bakery today to get my sweet snack grove on and I noticed that this particular bakery was really creative with their gingerbread cookie designs. Sure they had the standard gingerbread man… and women… gingerbread people? (Gender issues in the gingerbread community could be a future blog on it’s own)

They also had these cool butterflies with great look icing decorations. The blendy thing made me think of “Cream” concert footage I saw once.
But by far the best cookie design they had was this fried egg cookie. It’s so cool looking and so clever. I think they should do more foodstuffs on their cookies as long as they don’t flavour them to match.



  1. Jeff A2:04 PM

    It's obvious they should do bacon cookies too.

  2. I'd even go for them if they where bacon flavoured.

  3. Charlie Young6:16 PM

    OMG bacon cookies. I must have one.

  4. Charlie Young6:16 PM

    OMG bacon cookies. I must have one.

  5. Wow Charlie really wants bacon cookies.
