Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reese Contest

Do you like Dark Chocolate? Do you like Peanut Butter? Do you like things that are round? Well do I have a contest for you. The folks at Reese have generously donated some prizes for me to give away to several lucky readers. The prizes are boxes full of Reese Dark Peanut Butter Cup treats. To win you have to do the following:

Live in the USA.

Be 18 Years of Age or Older (you can get your parents to enter for you).

You must tell me in exactly 3 words why you should get this prize.

If you qualify on the first two and impress me on the third the folks at Reese will be sending a whole box of chocolate peanut butter goodness.

Enter here with your e-mail and your 3 words (I’ll ask for your address and stuff later if you win)



  1. Angry American2:03 PM

    What's this only in the US thing!

  2. Sorry, that's the rules from the folks at Reese. If you want to complain to anybody complain to the Canadian (or whatever country you happen to be reading this) government. They make it hard for small business to ship across borders at reasonable rates. It’s made my life pretty difficult I often end up losing a lot of money sending and receiving things. That concludes my rant but feel free to reference me to whomever you make the complaint.

  3. (my sister lives in NYC so this is on her behalf:

    For our mum.

    (who lives in Australia and who would receive said PB cups if my sister wins!!!)

  4. chocolate peanutbutter yummy

  5. I know, peanut butter is two words, poetic license?

  6. i love reese. and i've seen this new product's commercial (maybe in-between jimmy fallon show on nbc? i forgot)
    anyway, i'd love to try, not sure if they hv it distributed to canada yet though.
    too bad i cant participate!

  7. Reese Make Happy!

  8. I've been getting lots of good entries here and via e-mail so far, keep it up and I'll announce the winner soon.
