Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Old Candy Critic Articles - Candy and Eggs

I've decided to take down several old articles from the and re-post them here on the Candy Critic blog.  This week is an article I wrote after getting a very "special" bag of Glosette peanuts.

It doesn't take a mathematician to figure this out: Being cheap on Halloween + Kids that want candy + an excuse to cause havoc = one egged house.

First of all, you probably all want my address so next year you can drive up to my house and enjoy all the candy wonders that I give away on Halloween. I'll be honest with you, although I do share my treats with my friends, I don't really go all out buying crazy stuff to give away on Halloween. Having said that, I know what's good and I'm decent enough to give away mini chocolate bars of decent quality. I think that's fair.

For the most part Halloween night went well. Lots of costumes, little kids freaking out, candy everywhere. Then while giving out some treats Allison came across an interesting discovery. What she found could be considered more horrible than a staple in an apple. (Having said that if you're giving out apples, don't bother putting staples in them because no kids going to eat an apple with a full bag of candy.) What we came across was a package of Glosette Peanuts, with only one Glosset in it.

I know, I could hardly believe it myself, but the proof is in the picture. I should also mention that in this bag we also found a piece of chocolate with peanuts in it floating out of any package. It didn't look like any of the bars that came with these snacks; not that finding an identifiable treat would have been that much better.

I'm not sure why this all happens, I know that they have standards and quality controls but this seemed really odd. Cheap Halloween candy is pretty common, but I don't go that direction, I prefer to get something a little nicer and I have to say I'm a little disappointed by what I thought to be a high quality brand.

Maybe they want my house to get egged, maybe that's their little joke that they play on the whole world? Fortunately for me their little plan didn't work, my house stayed egg free and this little package of Glosette horror will never see the light of day. Why do you ask?..

Well I ate it.


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