He’s a great storyteller and here’s a few lines from this story to entice you:
“They are almost handcrafted … making a gumball is not like making ball bearings … Each one is an individual work of art.
They may be perfectly round but they are not exactly the same size.”
“When you were a kid you had to ask your mom if she would buy you a gumball … and you never knew how that was going to work out … there didn’t seem to be any way of telling … well guess what? Nothing has changed … because now you have to ask your pocket … ‘cause you know you aren’t going to go and ask for change just so you can have a gumball … so you reach into your pocket, or your purse, full of hopeful anticipation, and you pull out a handful of change and peer at it … and how great is that moment when you spot the quarter? You have a quarter! And you sir … are getting a gumball.”
“Name me one other thing that you enjoyed when you were four that you still enjoy just as much today?
There is just so much about a gumball to enjoy. To begin with they are full of sugar. They are trouble in your mouth sir … and trouble is what makes the world go round.”
Quotes used by permission from Stuart McLean
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