The strange thing about this treat was the powder.
It was purple and it changed to its light brown colour when the milk made contact. Now I’m no colour expert but I’m pretty sure purple and white do not make brown.
Apparently though it’s a “Genuine Caribbean Taste” so it can’t be too bad, right?
My first reaction.
It’s not that I didn’t like it I just didn’t know what to think of it. It tasted fruity but it doesn’t taste like any fruit I’ve ever known, that and it had a bit of a cinnamon kick to it. The look is not disgust as much as its just confusion.
Allison had this to say:
Mmmm Fruity goodness.
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So I’m always trying to think of new and interesting articles I can write for Candy Critic. Sometimes I get a flood of ideas and other times it’s a little dry. Well today was a lucky day. Not only did I get an idea but I think it’s a pretty good one. I’m going to do an article about how similar candy flavors and real flavors actually are.
Basically I’m going to pick a fruity candy, then buy it’s equivalent in real fruit and do a taste test. I was inspired to do this while walking through a marked today. The big problem however was choosing the candy. My first 2 choices where Skittles or Starburst, fine fruity snacks that always seem to tote how full of flavor they are. Skittles on Candy Critic have been a little overused, although not reviewed (I should change that) so I figured I’d go for Starburst. Well on a shopping excursion to my local drug store I came into Starburst sour and Starburst Cream, but not the regular. Seeing as the fruit was going to be neither sour nor creamy I didn’t think this would be fair. Then I say it, a roll of lifesavers starring me in the face.
Brilliant, the perfect treat. Life Savers have been around forever, their flavors although added upon have never changed, and I get to buy a pineapple, I love those things. So there’s the basis for the article, good fruity fun awaits.