Friday, July 14, 2006

Fruity inspiration hits

So I’m always trying to think of new and interesting articles I can write for Candy Critic. Sometimes I get a flood of ideas and other times it’s a little dry. Well today was a lucky day. Not only did I get an idea but I think it’s a pretty good one. I’m going to do an article about how similar candy flavors and real flavors actually are.

Basically I’m going to pick a fruity candy, then buy it’s equivalent in real fruit and do a taste test. I was inspired to do this while walking through a marked today. The big problem however was choosing the candy. My first 2 choices where Skittles or Starburst, fine fruity snacks that always seem to tote how full of flavor they are. Skittles on Candy Critic have been a little overused, although not reviewed (I should change that) so I figured I’d go for Starburst. Well on a shopping excursion to my local drug store I came into Starburst sour and Starburst Cream, but not the regular. Seeing as the fruit was going to be neither sour nor creamy I didn’t think this would be fair. Then I say it, a roll of lifesavers starring me in the face.

Brilliant, the perfect treat. Life Savers have been around forever, their flavors although added upon have never changed, and I get to buy a pineapple, I love those things. So there’s the basis for the article, good fruity fun awaits.

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