Friday, July 24, 2009

Dolphin Friendly Soda

When I saw this can of Soda in Honjo Japan I just had to get it. The name was spectacular “Lucky Cider”. The can looked great too, the bright flashy coloured dots and fun text colours.
Best of all was the strange little dolphin telling me something. I’m not sure what he’s saying but I sure hope it’s something to do with this drink being dolphin friendly, because I wouldn’t want to drink soda that kills marine life.


Lucy R said...

What flavour is this cider, is it like apple cider?

Chris Stewart said...

I've discovered many "cider drinks here in Japan, they appear to be a kind of cream soda flavour. They're not bad since the flavour is a little lighter and subtle than classic cream soda from North America.

Anonymous said...

Does it taste like fish?

Chris Stewart said...

First of all Dolphins are mammals, secondly that would be gross.