Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Passion for Soda

I just tried PC’s new Passion fruit soda and man am I impressed. It’s nice to see them trying some new and different flavours in their soda collection. For the most part PC tends to just make less expensive versions of already well-known sodas, so the change is good.



Sally said...

Why is it called Passion fruit? Does it make you randy?

Chris Stewart said...

Maybe... I'll have to get a bottle and see how it does.

Mardi Michels said...

Oooh - happy to see that you gave this a good review. In Australia when I was little there was a similar drink called "Passiona" - sounded so exotic!!!!

Chris Stewart said...

I'm a fan of different soda pops, I just tried another one and I should have something about it online soon.