Monday, November 02, 2009

An e-mail from a reader:

“A Trick or Treater writes with the following message:

Dear Candy Critic,With Halloween here, and your site decorated to celebrate the day, Iwas wondering what candy you hand out to the trick or treaters thatvisit your doorstep? Do you have a favourite or a suggestion of candyto hand out? Do you decorate you house and/or front lawn? Is yourhouse the most popular house to visit each year being that you are thecandy connoisseur?

I look forward to returning to your website to read your answers to myquestions and find out what fun candy reviews you have to share. :)

Thank you Candy Critic. And HAPPY HALLOWEEN.”Well Trick or Treater when I hand out candy for Halloween I have some simple basic tips. First of all as much as I love strange and weird candy and as much as I’d love to get more of it I know that average trick or treaters just want the good stuff. If I was to hand out a bag of fish bones to kids on Halloween I would probably expect to get a bunch of irate parents knocking on my door and eggs flung at my window. I figure kids want basic treats they can recognize.

A few years ago I had two bowls, one that was peanut free and another that was regular. Well I figure it’s probably best just to go completely peanut free. There are so many good treats that are completely peanut free these days that it just makes things easier and assures that no one will get hurt.

Sadly I’m sure my house is not the favourite house on the block. I don’t really tell anybody who I am or where I live because I would then expect to get about a million more kids at my door expecting fish bones. I’m sure parents who read this site would love to come to my house and check out the candy critic’s stash, but Halloween isn’t for them, it’s more about getting as much out to the little kids instead.

I do answer questions, click here and send one may way.



Julie said...

I'd let my kid eat fish bones if they came from you.

Chris Stewart said...

You say that but I'm not sure if you mean it. I've handed fish bones to several people that claim they like extreme foods and many have chickened out.