Tuesday, February 02, 2010

You Choose… The Closest Snack To You

According to some statistics most people when choosing treats choose based off of convenience. I sure hope nobody reading this fits into this category or I have taught you nothing. Seriously people don’t just get the first sweet treat you see, be choosy so that way only the best treats survive.

Click here to read more.



Richard said...

Given that snacking ain't good for you in large quantities, I'm all about quality of snackage! So I'll always try to get the best, rather than the first thing to hand. :)

Chris Stewart said...

I’m glad, since you answered first you will be my right hand man in the fight to get people to eat better quality snacks and not settle for what’s around them. If they need guidance that’s what Candy Critic is here for. We shall start a revolution that will eliminated crappy treats and make the world a better (and I’ll argue) healthier candy munching society.