Friday, January 28, 2011

Love buns - a baking diversion

School has been owning my life for the past little while. Today, despite the looming deadlines I decided to bake something. For me baking is a good form of relaxation therapy.

One of my favourite cook books is Feast by the lovely Nigella Lawson. I've never really seen her tv show, so I'm not sure what her celebrity persona is like, but her books are thoughtfully written, beautifully photographed, and generally comforting and inspiring. Today as a way of procrastination I decided to make "Love Buns". The name alone cracks me up, and that was reason enough to make them.

The icing is a meringue cooked over a double boiler. I imagine this would be easy to whip up (literally) if I had an electric mixer. However, due to limited space and a certain amount of stubbornness on my part I am armed with only my trusty IKEA whisk. So this icing turned out to be quite the workout.

The final result was worth it. These might be lunch.

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