Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Why I Haven't Reviewed Plain M&M's Yet

And also why I should.  I recently got an e-mail from Candy Critic reader Mike:

"You really should review plain M&M’s. They’re good for you!"

I replied:

"M&Ms plain has been the review that has escaped me many times.  I've purchased or received a bag of M&Ms at least a dozen times, but something always stops me from doing the review.  Most of the time it's the urge to just eat them and write about them later.  So I guess that's a good thing for Mars, but not so much for the review.

Just out of curiosity can you give me 5 reasons why M&Ms are good for me?"

Mike replied:

1. They leave your hands sticky and colourful (I’m eating some right now).
2. They’re yummy.
3. They’re bad for you (I know you don’t care about healthfulness).
4. You can never have too many.
5. They’re made of CHOCOLATE!"

I'm so convinced, look for a special review of M&Ms plain in the near future, dedicated to you Mike.


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