Thursday, June 02, 2011

Not Chocolate Coffee

I don't really like coffee, occasionally I'll have a cup (like once every 3 years) and sometimes I'll eat a candy flavoured with the stuff, but for the most part I don't drink it at all. This leads to a regular social problem for me.  My friends will ask if I want to go out for a coffee and I always have to find alternatives.  Sure tea is OK, but then you have to wait for it to steep and if you're walking around you have to find a place to dump off the tea bag.  But the people at Choffy have an answer, it's chocolate that you brew like coffee.  See the clever name?  I really hope this takes off, and I hope to see it at my local cafe soon because I think it will solve many of my social drinking problems.

Click here to read more about Choffy.


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