Monday, August 15, 2011

Dodovi Ice Cream

My friend Zoe keeps telling me that I must try a couple of scoops of Dodovi (actually pronounced tho-tho-ny) ice cream here in Greece.  I've meant to give it a try, but I've been regularly thwarted.  Well this weekend while visiting the island of Paros, I decided to make it a priority.  After all Zoe is the best expert I know when it comes to Greek sweets.  I wasn't sure if they where famous for any particular flavour, so I just decided to pick a few flavours at random.  I went with chocolate parfait, and their newest flavour cookie crunch.  As far as ice cream goes it's not bad.  The cookie crunch wasn't as fresh as I had hoped it would be, since I bought it at a Dodoni shop, however it was still pretty tasty.  My only other complaint had to be the portions.  At more than three Euros, I only got a couple of small scoops.  The highlight however was the cookie, it not only looked cool, but it was the perfect accouterments to the ice cream treat.


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