Friday, October 07, 2011

Candy Costume Ideas - Me

Halloween is quickly approching, and if you haven't decided what you want to wear, you still have time.  Sure you could go as a spooky goblin, or your favorite serial killer, but why not go a different direction this year?  Why not dress up as your favorite sweet treat?  To help you out with your costume decision making, every day this week I'll be scouring in search of some of the best, and strangest candy related costumes.
For this final installation of the Candy Costume Ideas, I thought I'd go through some costumes that I would consider.  I have to be honest; I didn't really find that many costumes that fit the requirements for me.  I generally hate wearing costumes and more so I hate wearing makeup.  The only candy costume that I found that I was willing to wear was this gingerbread man.  I particularly like the lollipop staff that comes with it.
Other than that I think my only other costumes for me would fall into the primate categories.  If someone could somehow make a costume that was both monkey and candy related I would be so into that.
But until then I think I'll just stick with regular monkeys, or at the very least sock monkeys.


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