Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Candy Store Tips - Dust is Never a Good Thing

For many years now I've been lucky enough to explore candy stores all over the world.  I've seen the worst and I've seen the best.  Now, each week, I'm going to give you a tip that will help you know instantly how good any candy store might be.  This is useful if you happen to own a candy store as well, follow these tips and customers will notice.
The first thing I do when I walk into any candy store is look around.  I don't buy anything, I don't even examine what they have to offer, I just look around.  What am I looking for?  Well lots of things, but one of the most important things I look for in a candy store is dust.  It may seem irrelevant to the average candy buyer, but it's a sure sign that the store is not kept up as it should.  After all, you wouldn't buy food from a restaurant that had dust all over the kitchen and the plates would you?  I also find that really dusty candy stores are lazy about making sure the candy is fresh.

I'd like to thank the beautiful and dust free Snyder's Candy for providing photos for this article.


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