Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Sweet Greek Lent Treats

Many people around the world are celebrating Lent.  I have to be honest, I'm not really familiar with any of the traditions of Lent.  All I know is; it is said to last 40 days, but it lasts a couple of more, and you can only eat certain thing, sometimes no meat, sometimes no bread.
Since the rules seem to vary, many cultures have different treats and foods that are considered acceptable for this holiday.  In Greece you're not allowed to eat anything that bleeds, and it appears that certain breads are also not allowed.  Fish is OK, but only things like octopus and shellfish.  Desert wise, Greece has many treats that are fine to eat including halvas, baklava, and the cookies known as "Skaltsounia".
One of the great things about Greek culture is the many desserts and treats that are only available during certain events or seasons.  It's great to walk into a bakery every month and find something you've never seen before.  It's also really frustrating to walk into a bakery with hopes of buying those awesome cookies you bought last month, only to find out that they're only available for a particular week.


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