Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Old Candy Critic Articles - Dinner Treats Part 3

I've decided to take down several old articles from the and re-post them here on the Candy Critic blog.  This week I'm posting Part 3 of an article I wrote about the candies you get after a dinner at a restaurant.  I posted so many treats in this article I've decided to break it up into several posts.

I never really thought about the industry that supplies candy to restaurants before. Often, when I go to a restaurant that doesn't require me to return a tray, I get a candy with my bill. The thing about this treat is when you get it with your bill, you never give it much thought. I mean there you are with your stomach full of mashed potatoes and a chicken dish with a really nice cream sauce, and someone hands you a candy. The last thing you're going to do is think about is the quality of this treat.

Well I decided to give it a little thought. I've decided that these treats need a little scrutiny, and maybe see if they're worth tipping over. So let's take a look at how I would tip if all I got was the treat at the end of the meal.  I should mention that each of these treats was collected after a real meal.

Fresh Mint

The name of this mint brings up an interesting point. It's funny how we associate fresh and mint together. I've tasted many a fruit and vegetable that had not a trace of mint but still tasted fresh. I've also taste a few mints that aren't really that fresh tasting either. I have no opinion on this idea, just a comment. Oh the Fresh Mint, it's not bad, not great either.

Tip: 8%

Dare Orange

I like the idea of not getting a candy that's minty as a candy after a meal. Sure I don't really know the point, particularly after desert but who am I to complain about treats after treats. Some people may really hate this sweet, after all it doesn't really taste like orange. I however love it because although it lacks in the real citrus flavour, it more than makes up for it in its similarity to tang. So if you really like the greatest powdered drink mix ever created, or if you're an astronaut, than this is the after dinner treat for you.

Tip: 9%


This is the cream of the crop, not that I really understand that expression, but this little treat is something you'll get from only the finest places; chances are your local burger joint doesn't throw one of these on the table after your sloppy cheeseburger and fries.

Tip: 15%
Striped Mints

This is pretty much as basic as basic gets. Nothing spectacular about these and you'll find them pretty much everywhere. Is this a bad thing? Well that all depends how you feel. If you're at some crazy exotic restaurant that has all kinds of strange food, a candy at the end of the meal that matches the exotic flare might be a little more up your alley. Also if you're at a posh restaurant with napkins made of cloth, you might want something a little more classy as well. However if you just ordered grill cheese and tomato soup and your soft drink comes in the can with a glass of ice, these little minty treats will do just fine.

Tip: 7.5%

Striped Mints Round

Does shape really make any difference? I think it can, a mint can not only be a great way to freshen up ones breath but it can be a great fidget toy in ones mouth. Like Kojac and his lollypop, a candy can provide a great amount of entertainment on that long bus ride home. These little round balls are great fun for that; although I have to be honest the mint flavour is a little lacking so your breath will only get a little fresher.

Tip: 9%


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