Monday, June 11, 2012

This Week In Candy

Candy News - Spring time really is the season of new foods.  All kinds of food shows (not just candy related) and all kinds of new treats (many of them candy related) are coming out this time of year.  I'll try and keep up, but it's not easy, unless the candy companies producing these treats want me to review them, and send me a few, then it'll be a lot easier.

What's Happening At Candy Critic - Just got back from a quick visit to London to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee.  I've never seen so many snacks and treats dedicated to one person in my life.  Every shop window and every store shelf had something dedicated to the Queen.  All this week I'll post my adventures and all of the cool things I found.

Rant - Tim Horton's, a donut chain in Canada has a great business model.  One of the highlights of this business model is their prices.  Every single Tim Horton's, all over the world, have the same prices.  Including the Tim Horton's located in Airports.  I love this idea, and I want to know, why are things in airports so freaking expensive?  Every time I travel I wonder around airports (because I have to show up hours before my flight for a reason I can't figure out, but don't get me started on that) and I find all kinds of things I'd normally buy, but at almost double the price.  Why do I have to pay a premium because I'm in an airport?


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