Monday, April 25, 2016

This Week In Candy

This is a week full of potential.  This week is feeling like a giant jaw breaker, it could be filled with gum, or it could be filled with an infinite number of candy layers.  Either way it's going to be an adventure I'm sure.

In the next 4 or 5 months I have two adventures planned, both are pretty epic, one is going to change my life... again.  The epic adventure that's not life changing is happening soon, and it's going to be a trip to India.  India is a country known for flavour, and spicy food.  I'm excited about the flavour, I'm terrified of the spicy food. Any suggestions for must try meals and treats are greatly appreciated.  The second life changing adventure?.. You'll hear more about that when the time is right.

This week we're going to be doing a little prep work for the Indian adventure, booking hotels, and making sure the plants here don't die.  We'll also be doing some podcasting this week.  It looks like we'll be recording two podcasts this week (if everything lines up), one will be our monthly look back at what's been going on in the junk food world in what we call Junk Fud News.  The other is a special episode of our not so regular series called Junk Fud And You.  If all goes well you'll be pleasantly surprised with some entertaining talk about junk food.

As always we're working on lots of articles for the Candy Critic blog as well. We're going to be recording a new episode of Chris, Why Would You Eat That?!! featuring a pretty strange looking basket of brown randomness.  We're also working on a new series of articles that we hope to have up later this summer, we're going to look at the many versions of classic treats that some candy companies come up with.  We're also going to start work on a new video series where we'll look back at classic treats and re-review them.

This week on Snack Facts, our Instagram feed, we're looking at one of the most famous sandwiche in the world, the hamburger.  Ever day this week we're posting a fun fact about the BBQ specialty.  You can follow Snack Facts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

This week's review-a-thon is part 3 of our epic Candy Review-A-Thon-A-Thon.  This week we're going to post a new review every day from a country you may not think about when you talk about candy, Pakistan.  Every day this week we'll post a new candy review from a place that is mystirious, beautiful, and in the news a lot.  Today we're starting with a bar where the main ingredient is a complete mystery to me.  Click here to read the review, and if you can help me identify the ingredient, that would be great too.  You can keep up with all of our new review's for this epic Review-A-Thon-A-Thon by following  us on Facebook, Twiiter, Tumblr, Google +, or Pineterest.


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