Monday, February 10, 2020

You Can't Rely On Anybody - Zip "Double"

If you've read this blog, or if you search through, you'll find that I have a love affair with certain candy brands. This love affair doesn't come from them sending me free candy, or even out of nostalgia. The thing that makes me love a candy company is when they produce good candy. It's even more astounding if I fall in love with a candy company that's fairly big, or even more rare, gigantic. Cadbury is one of those few brands, they're a huge company that sells chocolate all over the world. They also produce some of the best mass produced chocolate bars that I know of.

The thing is, sometimes the ones you love, disappoint you. You still love them, and you hold out hope that it's not a decline, but just a misstep. This Zip "Double" bar is what I hope to be a small misstep from the  people at Cadbury. It's not a horrible bar, but it's way too average for a brand that's made me happy so often.

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