Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Get Some Treats and Beasts Right Now!

If you love treats, beast and/or the alphabet, then I have the perfect book for you.

Pick up my fun illustrated book called Treats and Beasts right now at bewarethecheese.com/treatsnbeasts/ or on Amazon.

Monday, December 09, 2024

Dairy Milk Is Just Good Chocolate

I've reviewed a lot of Dairy Milk bars on candycritic.org, almost 30 of them, but I'm probably going to continue to review more. The main reason I keep reviewing them is that there's one very important consistent, quality of chocolate. I know that if I eat a Dairy Milk bar, not matter what the extra ingredients might be, I know that the chocolate is likely not going to ruin it. It makes tasting these bars a little more fun, because I know that whatever they put into the bar, the chocolate is only going to make it better.

Check out my latest Dairy Milk bar review.

Friday, December 06, 2024

Every Year I Post This

 I post this commercial every single year around this time because it just makes me happy.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Quick List - The Best Candies For Each Letter of the Alphabet - L-P

A quick list of the best candies from each letter of the alphabet. This time we're going to be checking out L through P.

Check out all my review for every letter of the alphabet right now at www.candycritic.org/alphareview.htm

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Learn Some Snack Facts!

If you want to learn some fun facts about the snacks you love, why not pick Snack Facts. It's a collection of comics featuring Sir Francis Sweetums and his assistant Barbara as they explore the snacking world.

You can pick up all things Snack Facts at candycritic.org/snackfacts/ or on Amazon.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Potato Chips and Candy Critic

I thought I would use today's review to highlight one of the biggest complaints I get about this site. Many people tell me that since I'm writing a site dedicated to reviewing candy, that I should not include potato chips. I will not argue with anyone that potato chips are not candy. The thing is, I just couldn't leave them out. While they're not technically candy themselves, I think we can all agree that they're kind of similar in many ways. In stores the chips and and candy are often close to each other. The times we eat chips and candy are often the same.

Check out my latest potato chip review, and stop complaining that they're not candy.