Monday, August 07, 2006

Picking Straws

So I went to one of the greatest chicken restaurants in the world the other day, Swiss Chalet. Now I know you Americans out there have no idea what I’m talking about when I talk about Swiss Chalet, but just ask any of your Canadian friends about it and I’m sure they’ll have nothing but fond things to say about it. I decided on this day to go with their special summer deal that came with a slice of strawberry cheesecake.

The thing that shocked me was this cheesecake not only had strawberry sauce, but it also had real strawberries as well. So I was faced with fresh juicy strawberries VS sugar induced strawberry sauce strawberries. A challenge had formed in my little plastic container, which was amazing because that container was pretty small.
I started with the super sugary strawberry sauce strawberry. Man that’s a lot of S’s in one sentence. These strawberries are the missing link between that candy strawberry flavour you might find in something like a starburst and a fresh picked strawberry. I’m not sure if all the flavour is actually real, it might have some artificial flavours added. The great thing is I love both the fake strawberry flavour and the real one so these little treats are pretty cool.

Now it’s pretty rare that you manage to eat a fresh strawberry right after eating one of the sauce specials but here’s what I figure. Real strawberries are great, but it’s a crapshoot. Sometimes they’re a little too sour; sometimes they’re a little rotten. Fresh, or at least pure strawberries have this window of greatness and if you’re off it can be horrible. These particular strawberries where ok, but they could have been sweeter, so I might say I liked the saucy ones a little more. But a good fresh just picked right strawberry would have won this battle by a mile.


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