After all was said and done my Halloween was absolutely crazy. But my friends Lee and Heather came over and we gave out candy. Happy Halloween you candy freaks!
Actually I have one thing left to do because I’ve already been down to the A-Channel morning show to chat about candy. They had a whole crowd all dressed up and all kinds of fun things. I give credit to all those involved as I found it difficult to even remember my own name let alone be all dressed up and cheery.
First thing in the morning I’ll be on the A-Channels morning show because who doesn’t like candy first thing in the morning. After this crazy day I end up at home, not to relax but to give out the pile of candy I have sitting in my living room.
Hey gang, I just entered the Butterfinger “Follow the Finger” video contest. Here’s my entry. If I win I’ll be shocked and amazed. Shocked because I won, and amazed that anybody could actually sit through it.
What I could use from a candy company is new taps for my bathroom. Mine leak and hey a set of Baby Ruth taps would look cool.
I could also use a new toaster, as it is my Pop Tarts burn on one side and stay cold in the middle. A Double Mint themed toaster would do the trick.
Most of all I could use a tripod so I can take better silly pictures of myself. An Oh Henry tripod would turn me into a photo star
I also hope to have the finger movie done by the end of the week. It’s a happy tale about a fun times in days gone by. And how can it not be fun, it involves a giant foam finger.
Found this great commercial for something called Chulbuli. If anybody knows where I can get some let me know because what ever it’s doing to these people is both intriguing and terrifying at the same time.
Recently my friend Mike was visiting some family on the east coast and he was nice enough to spread the love of East coast candies.
He got me a “Pal-O-Mine”, because that’s what friends are for.
I’ve also sent out the member’s packs for this month all it appears all is well. Or at least I have yet to hear any complaints. If you do have a problem with your pack let me know, but please be aware that I might be losing my mind just a little.
The interesting thing I found last year was the few kids that required peanut free treats. To make sure I’m good I loaded up with a whole box just in case. It also inspired me to add a new section in Candy Critic when I do the big update, it’ll be all about certain health requirements.
This is my latest idea; in fact at this point this is the front-runner. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how I can improve the site let me know. For now I’ll be neck deep in code and my inability to have any confidence in my designs.
Meet new friends.And eat strange and exotic foods.
For the Candy of the Month Club Members we have a new episode of the Candy Critic Internet Films all about the sparkles that you get when you bite into a mint.