Monday, January 14, 2008

The update was yesterday the update blog is today.

You see last night I got to updating kind of late and I figured getting the update online was the most important and getting the update on the blog was second. I say this only because doing it the other way around wouldn’t really make any sense at all. I’m also still really, really sick right now so any sympathy on the subject is also greatly appreciated. This leads me to our second issue here at Candy Critic. Let me put it like this, I don’t believe in doing reviews when I’m sick, so that means that I’ve been sick for a while and that means I haven’t really been doing reviews in a while. I also know the value of having a few reviews waiting just in case I’m unable to do a regular review. So what I’m saying is right now I’m digging into some “backup reviews”. I have a few treats that people have sent or that I got in San Francisco that are just waiting to get eaten, but they have to wait till I’m feeling ok so they can get a fair shake. So I’m sorry to those that are waiting on some treat reviews but they have no been forgotten.

Click here for the review.


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