Saturday, June 06, 2009

Flossing Aid

The first thing you have to know about me is that I’m not an expert in oral hygiene whatsoever. In fact I’m pretty much a bad role model for most. I do brush twice a day and floss nightly, but I eat a lot of sweets and I miss a night here and there.

The thing is last night while flossing I came up with a great way to help you feel better while flossing. As some might agree when you floss it doesn’t really feel like you’re doing much. You basically just go through the motions only occasionally pulling something out from between your teeth.
Last night I had a bag of popcorn after dinner and when I flossed it was like digging for treasure, and there was a lot to be found. I pulled so much out of my teeth and it felt great afterwards. So my idea is this, why not eat a bag of popcorn before each flossing, that way you’ll feel great about flossing and that must be better for your teeth.


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