Friday, January 17, 2025

An Odd Candy

 My first question about this candy being advertised is what exactly does it do to you when you eat it. My second question is should a pregnant lady being eating a candy that causes such a reaction?

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

A New Candy Taste Test

 I thought it might be fun to taste test 4 bars that were on the cheaper end of things, turns out it was a bit of a challenge.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Get Some Snack Facts!

 If you need a few facts about your favourite snacks, pick up my comic called Snack Facts. 

Pick up all the Snack Facts you’ll need right now at

Another Variety

When I did my last big re-organize of I decided that if any candy had more than 10 versions, I would give them their own category. I started that a few years back, but honestly haven't added a new candy or snack to the list of candies with more than one version since. I can think of at least 3 or 4 treats that should be added to that list, but I really haven't gotten around to it. Doritos is approaching that mark, and maybe when they cross it I'll finally get to adding all the treats that deserve the spot... or maybe I won't.

Check out my latest review of another flavour of Doritos.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Not Much Fun For The Mouse

 Filling this Choki Chocolate with cashews seems like a lot of work for that poor little mouse.

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Is Crispy Wow Better Than Nutella?

 Not everyone likes Nutella. I know that’s a bit of shocking thing to say, but it’s true. When I tell people that I like to write about various spreads and compare them to Nutella, some people will then tell me that they assume that almost all the other spreads must be better. I don’t put these people down, I understand that they simply have different tastes than myself. Two of the most common complaints I’ve heard about Nutella are about the texture and the sweetness.

The most common complaint people have with Nutella is that it’s very sweet. I don’t deny that at all, I just happen to enjoy very sweet things. After all I have a website dedicated to the love of sweet things. If however you happen to be one of those people who feel that Nutella is too sweet, then you might actually enjoy this Crispy Wow spread. It’s not to say that it’s not sweet, but I would say that it’s marginally less sweet than Nutella. It’s not that it has a richer cocoa flavour either, it just seems less sweet.

While maybe not being the most common complaint, I have talked to several people who feel that Nutella’s texture is a little boring. Once again Crispy Wow has managed to deal with just that problem. Better yet it’s dealt with it in a really original way. While rice crisps are not rare in the candy world, it’s not often that you find them in any kind of liquid treat. The reason for this is that rice crisps often get soggy in any liquids. Some how however, the crisps in Crispy Wow have remained fairly crunchy. The texture of this spread is really a winner.

So is Crispy Wow better than Nutella? I would probably say no, unless you fit a very particular criteria. If what you’re looking for is a spread that’s a little less sweet than Nutella, with a fun crispy texture, maybe it’s better for you. The downfalls however are that the cocoa quality of Crispy Wow doesn’t seem as good as Nutella. I would also argue that the addition of hazelnuts would improve this spread as well. So this is no Nutella, but if you want a quick break from Nutella with a little crunch, this might work perfectly.

Monday, January 06, 2025

Blue Orchid Is Here!

 Looking for adventure? Pick up my comic called Blue Orchid.

Pick up all the comics and Blue Orchid merch at

Spice Gum Flavours

It's funny that there aren't many gums out there with spice flavours, with one very huge exception. Cinnamon seems like it's cornered the market on spice flavours when it comes to gum. That is unless you count mint as a spice (I say herb but I won't go to the grave on that). It's just weird how certain spice flavours are so common in gum, while there are so many others that almost never appear as a gum flavour. I'm not saying that all spices would work, I just wish there were more options out there.

Check out my latest review of a unique spiced gum.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Stuck to a Mirror?

 I'm not sure I exactly understand what's fun about your candy sticking to a mirror.