Wednesday, June 29, 2022

My Favourite Videos So Far

I'm always making new videos, but these are my favourite so far. I'm hoping that these might some day become our most popular, but I figure my opinion is fairly biased.

Make sure to follow me on YouTube to see all my new videos.

You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with the fun.

For some extra fun, check out my Patreon.


Monday, June 27, 2022

Bulk Candies In Supermarket Bulk Bins

One of my biggest fears as a Candy Critic are the strange bulk bins you find in grocery and foreign food stores. It's a fear that I often have to face, but every time I purchase a treat from one of these bulk bins I have little to no idea what I'm getting myself into. There are really three ways this kind of treat can go. It can be a great new discovery, something tasty and unique. It can be something horrible, so bad that I can't understand why people even sell such a treat. Finally it can be really, really boring, and this is actually the most common problem. With something great or something horrible there's plenty to write about, but with something boring, like an average fruity hard candy, I have a hard time filling up space when I write the review. Most of the time I end up filling the review full of explanations about how hard that particular review was to write.

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to see some of the other treats I've recently discovered.

If you like reading about treats and snacks, make sure to pick up my comic called Snack Facts.


Friday, June 24, 2022

Making Chocolate

Eater takes a look at how candy bars are being made, and it's fascinating.


Monday, June 20, 2022

Gummy Art

This week's review features gummy creations that are some of the most beautiful and creative designs I've ever seen. It makes me wonder if anyone is making artisanal gummies. I've been to thousands of candy shops in my life, but I've never seen anyone making super high end gummies. You would figure that there would be a market for beautiful gummies that are so detailed and so fancy that they belong in a museum. The folks at Amos have come pretty close to making this high end gummy, but I feel like there's an artist out there that could change the world.

Also be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well.

If you want some nice art to look at that isn't gummy related, make sure to pick up my book called Treats and Beasts.


Friday, June 17, 2022

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Mountain Dew Has Run Amuck

 I often wonder why I eat or drink things, but sometimes I also wonder why people even make certain treats. This Flamin' Hot Mountain Dew is a prime example.

If you want to see more silly candy related things, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter too.

If you want to be really nice to me, pick up my new book called Treats and Beasts.


Monday, June 13, 2022

Why Do Cups Work So Well


While writing this review a thought came across my mind, why does the cup work so well with peanut butter and chocolate? More importantly, why don't more companies make treats in a cup shape? I feel like a Snickers or Oh Henry cup would be pretty tasty and unique. You might even try to make some gummy cups? It's just really weird how one company makes almost all of the cup shaped treats, and it's almost always just peanut butter and chocolate.

Check out the latest cup treat by Reese's

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram too.

If you want even more snack fun in your life, pick up the brand new collection in the complete Snack Facts.


Friday, June 10, 2022

Making Mochi

 I don't think I've ever seen someone make mochi on such a big scale.


Monday, June 06, 2022

Cookies and Pretzels

Sometimes I think pretzels could qualify as the perfect cookies. I feel like you can do just about anything to a pretzel that you can do to a cookie, in some cases even more. Dip a pretzel in icing, no problem. Cover a pretzel in peanut butter, yup. Cover a pretzel in chocolate, an excellent idea. The thing that makes pretzels unique is that you can also dip them in mustard and it works great too. Pretzels really are the ultimate cookie, and they're not even really cookies. This week's new candy review is proof that the pretzel needs to be reclassified.

Find out why the pretzel needs to a fresh designation.

Also make sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter too.

If you have a bit more time, check out my Patreon as well.


Friday, June 03, 2022

I Would Lose

 I feel like the kids who win these candy challenges are beyond anything I could handle.