I was walking through my local big box store and what I saw made my stomach do flip flops of joy. I assure you that flip flops of joy may be good at first, but too often it can lead to serious injury. What I found was the greatest idea ever thought of by man or beast, a Reese cake.

I took my new found purchase home in a wink and found all kinds of cool things inside.

The coolest thing I found was that it came equipped with its own baking pan. I like this because I’m really lazy and this means less clean up and more throw away.

I quickly started layering all the ingredients as the instructions well… instructed.

The peanut butter layer, easily the most important.

I added the final chocolate layer and popped it in my fridge (please refrain from making comments about the contents fridge).
When it was done I cut it while singing Bryan Adams ‘Cuts like a knife’. Good thing I was home alone.

Yummy, this cake was simple and tasty, just like me.