Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Quick List For Adults

Here's a quick list of the best adult candies I've ever reviewed on What makes a candy adult could probably be subject of a future podcast.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Read Some Blue Orchid

If you love a good comic filled with action and drama, as well as some fun monsters, be sure to check out Blue Orchid.

You can pick up all things Blue Orchid and see what's new at or on Amazon.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Healthy Candy?


The fact that the candy industry is constantly trying to prove itself "healthy" is problematic for me sometimes. You'd think that I would back this concept as it shines a positive light on candy, but honestly it just frustrates me. I believe that candy should be a small indulgence that you give yourself every now and then, not a part of your healthy diet. I also find that at times, like today, I find myself having a hard time deciding if some candy is in fact candy, or some kind of odd health supplement. I don't like candy pretending to be something it's not, I don't think it's healthy and it often makes candy makers dilute their amazing bites into something that is no longer as enjoyable and not really that healthy.

Check out my latest review and let me know if it's more candy or health food attempt.