Monday, August 26, 2024

Marshmallow Redemption?

While writing this new candy review I got to thinking. I was wondering if I could acquire a taste for mass produced marshmallows the same way I (sort of) acquired a taste for black licorice. The way I attempted to acquire a taste for black licorice was to buy a big bag of the stuff (the extreme black licorice from Holland) and eat a piece every single day. I'm not sure that this will work for mass produced marshmallows as the thing I dislike most about them is the lack of flavour and the texture. Black licorice was a flavour issue, where is this is a texture issue. Maybe I'll give it a try in the future, but for now I'm happy to remain very picky about the marshmallows that I eat.

Check out my latest marshmallow review right now.

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