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What can I say, I'm going home soon and am all out of the cereal, and bread after today, surely a more serious attempt at cereal sampling is nigh, however! So, in a random search I found this cute little cartoon, ah l'amour!
I also got a few messages with items such as gummy and chocolate body parts that people have seen in novelty stores. I’m not sure how I feel about this kind of treat as a Candy Critic, but unless they come up with a way to make the treat really unique other than just a funny shape I probably won’t mention them at all on this site.
Jon (who has published few things in the past for this blog) has been, of late, sending out fun little e-mails all about his morning behaviours. It’s fun for the whole family, a great way to start your day and best of all we’ll be posting his morning ramblings and accompanying YouTube video here on the Candy Critic blog.
Morning everyone! As I sit here at my table, munching away, I've decided to go with a brief clip from my friend D, takes you back to those nintendo days that just never existed! Enjoy! Though I like to eat duck as much as the next person....this my be too great a supply!
I saw someone wearing this T-shirt and it made me chuckle out loud. It’s also really true, trust me.
It’s a strange word if you think about it. It’s a made up word that sounds completely legitimate. That’s why the candy world rocks so hard.
The book is about Japanese Snacks. I think snacks are a great way to look at people and cultures. I also think that snacks may have different meanings for different people so I expect to get a lot of criticism about what I feel is a snack and what isn’t. After all I’m sitting here eating Macaroni Salad and I would say that it’s a meal, mainly because I’m eating it at 12:30 pm. If I was eating this at 3 pm and I had eaten lunch then I would call it a snack.
The book however will not feature any Macaroni salad. For the purposes of the book I looked at snacks as being smaller treats, sometimes salty often sweet. Maybe something you might find these treats in your back pocket on in your knapsack. I guess it’s kind of hard to explain but I knew these snacks when I saw them and you could argue all you want.I also decided to make this book all about the visual aspects of these snacks. The photography is really going to be the key thing I’m going to focus on. I love the visual side of candy, snacks, and pretty much all foods.
Well I’m making up for it by eating a whole bunch of Butterscotch pudding. One of the few treats still available in butterscotch flavour. It’s too bad too because butterscotch is just so tasty.
I got excited at the thought that maybe they changed the candy instead. I ripped open the bag and…
I figure since I’m working so hard and full time on the book from here on in it might start affecting the time I have to focus on Blogs, or at least the number of adventures that I’ll be going on in the next few months. Then it hit me, why not write about the writing process of this book. I’ve decided to start with a look at where I stand right now.
Publishing: At this point I don’t have a publisher or even an agent. Agents have approached me in the past but when they contacted me I really didn’t have a book idea in my head. Now that I have something to work on my goal is really to get a pitch and samples ready to go.
The Samples: Right now I’m working on picking photographs and short writings for each photo. I’m also working on writing some chapter introductions as well. The focus of the book is on the beauty of Asian Treats so photos seem like they’d be key. I also figure my background is in visual arts and in particular photography so this is a good blend.
The Pitch: Well this as I write it is sort of the pitch I guess. I’m going to refine it a bit and put something nice and neat together with the samples. If you happen to be a book agent and you want a copy of said pitch please let me know.
The First deadline: I’m giving myself until October 31st (Halloween) to have the samples and the pitch ready to either mail or e-mail. Then after that the goal is to compile a list of agents and publishers to send said pitch.
They also had these cool butterflies with great look icing decorations. The blendy thing made me think of “Cream” concert footage I saw once.
But by far the best cookie design they had was this fried egg cookie. It’s so cool looking and so clever. I think they should do more foodstuffs on their cookies as long as they don’t flavour them to match.