Well I think this classic cartoon clip can give you a hand.
Good Morning Gang! Well, as Oatmeal Crisps sails off the horizon and I turn my attentions to another cereal next week, I feel it's time to pick up with what I alluded to yesterday - prizes in cereal boxes! Ow, 好痛!The pain! How I enjoyed getting prizes, small toys and so on, out of cereal boxes when I was young - and still would! Had it not been decided that it was too much of a hazard...in our messy world crawling with hazards, for some reason young children really enjoyed choking on cereal prizes? True enough, inedibles in with food make for a more troublesome scenario - but by that token we should take the bones out of pork ribs too! Bah! I say, give me back my prizes! Now, on to today's video! It's the intro to G-Force, otherwise known as Battle of the Planets - a neat Japanese anime from the 70s that was gutted and repackaged to be shown in North America (not that I knew this when I was young - I loved this show then!). I would like to see the actual episodes from Japan one day, nominally, just to see that in fact there was an overarching plot! Enjoy!
I understand why they would make guitar and microphone gummies for this particular assortment but I’m thinking that flesh coloured microphones are not the best idea. It kind of gives off the wrong idea about the… purity of this show.
Astrofirmative Carboblaster Control! I hope you're all well this morning! Now, as I bid this Oatmeal Crisp - Male Nut cereal a fond farewell, I conclude with the following: I recommend it as a delicious cereal and suggest that the makers create a more candified version that eliminates the flakes and replaces it with a slightly different kind of cluster. But then, there are already cereals of that nature - that we shall explore in weeks to come! Today's video is a strange Count Chocula commercial from 1979, wherein Star Trek: The Motion Picture trading cards are included in the boxes - for a limited time! Indeed, just how limited is a sore spot for me, oh yes, don't get me started on how they've taken the prizes out of cereal! I can hardly wait to review Count Chocula too... if it's not too late! Well, enjoy this brief but mild-smile-inducing video!
Hola, amigos del cereal! Language is great! So...more on this Oatmeal Crisp, Maple Nut edition...I am typing now and leaving some in the bowl to fully assess its powers of crunchiness but regardless of that factor, as I said the taste is full and the fibre makes you feel that it's not so bad to eat it compared to a straight up blorpy candy cereal (much as we love them, long may they live!). Now, having returned after a good many minutes to finish it off, I find the flakes go soggyish as expected, but the clusters stay very crunchy and it totally saves this cereal - it ought to have an even higher percentage of clusters! I give this cereal an 8 out of 10 - mainly because it's a 'healthier' cereal and thus is in part responsible for the destruction of the candy cereal scene, it can't get a 9. Now, today's video comes just in time for Halloween! A song number from the cartoon The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - I really liked this show, the vacant stare in Billy's eyes, his huge nose and protruding idiot tongue - that's good Billy! And Mandy's unflappable icy exterior and considerably larger brain to offset Billy... classic pairing with good results; and speaking of BRAINS, that's the subject of the video - let's all watch, listen and swing to it with our favourite dance partner! Cereal Away!
Good Morning All! This morning I've carved into a box of Oatmeal Crisp - Maple Nut variety, as there are a number of other varieties too! This cereal is great, it's crunchy, sweet, has a strong mapley flavour and comes in flakes and clusters! I find it's cousin Vanilla Almond to be also just as excellent. It makes me feel better to eat it than eating candy cereal, despite the fact that it's just as loaded with sugar, probably; it's likely a result of this cereals higher fibre content. Being one of the modern 'healthy' cereals, we can say it is likely healthi-er, however, that's besides the point, it's tasty and not as blorpy. More tomorrow! So today's video is one of the excellent Schoolhouse Rock commercials from the 70s/80s - I loved these! So let's all sing along with Interplanet Janet!
I thought that maybe the tattoos might come off my tongue fairly easily and it might only last a few seconds. As it turns out it’s pretty permanent and even with a bunch of scrubbing there was still a pumpkin on my tongue. I say this because I had plans this afternoon and a pumpkined tongue may not be appropriate.
This guy seems like he’s really giving advice that he thinks is new and really helpful, but really is this the best advice this guy can have about Halloween? Here are a few tips from me:
Buy nut free candy, it’s just as good as the nut stuff and it assures you’ll have no problems.
Sit outside if you can, it creates a great feeling of neighbourhood and also allows you to see some of the crazy antics.
Themed bowls are not required but a big one is a good idea.
Invite friends over, or go to a friend’s house, giving away candy can take a lot out of you and a little help is always great.
大家早上好! Now I hope you're all well today and will enjoy your next bowl of fruit loops as much as I have enjoyed my most recent for the moment last bowl! Aye, what more can I say - in the realm of candy cereal it is a classic keeper and I'm not surprised that it's still around. I wonder some days when a new candy cereal classic will be created that is as memorable as Cap'n Crunch, Fruit Loops and the like, however, that is a subject that gets a bit deeper than the focus of this humble, happy, good morning posting. What more can I say about this cereal? Go buy some and enjoy it with a favourite morning cartoon, it may just put you in a better mood! Now, our video today is an old commercial for Apple Jacks cereal that, as far as I can tell has mostly fallen from view. I never really had a bowl of these growing up even, as I was most fruit-a-phobic, however, I did always consider them to be Fruit Loops' cousin cereal, owing to their O shape and non-Cheerios plainness. This commercial though...if I had just known that Apple Jacks had the power to let me thwart my enemies, or that if I ate too much my head would swell up like red balloon and I would be unable to stop tap dancing... well, I probably still wouldn't have eaten it! Enjoy!
Included was this bag of strange little golden cubes that I’m sure will be reviewed in the near future.
Good Morning Everyone! As I sit here today with my next morning bowl of fruit loops I find I really have missed them after all these years. Surely the sacrifice in health I make for this expedition is worth it! I think Toucan Sam played it smart to last these years through the healthy cereal storm. While Cap'n Crunch increasingly took to violent means to ensure his cereal empire, ol' Sam holed up in his jungle and let mystery do what cannons did for the Capn'. Toucan Sam invites us to come in search of his cereal, following our nose...I like that style, how like water! I would have to give Fruit Loops a healthy 8 out of 10. And speaking of strategical geniuses, today's video is one of my favourite scenes from the movie Red Cliff - the story of how military genius ZhuGe Liang borrowed 100,000 arrows for his commander. ZhuGe Liang was a historical figure with a great deal of fiction attached to him, he occurs in the Chinese classic The Romance of the 3 Kingdoms (an event which historically came after the events at Red Cliff) and in addition to being a strategist he is credited with many inventions, including the steam bun (or mantou) - which is today is still an excellent breakfast food! Enjoy!
Good Morning Cereal Brigadiers! I've dispensed with getting into 'healthy' cereals just yet as I have followed my nose (it always knows) and buried myself in a box of fruit loops. In fact, I couldn't help myself and had a bowl of it as an after work snack! This is another beloved childhood candy cereal of mine from long ago. I like its bright colours; the fact that it stays reasonably crunchy is a small plus but most importantly is the taste - each ring really does have a slightly different fruitesque taste and... and I find that I enjoy it! I'll have to do some more sampling as I work through the box but ol' Toucan Sam, wise, somewhat less obsessed (probably because he was always able to eat his cereal unlike so many other cereal mascots - though the Cap'n also could enjoy his product too) bird that he was, knew what he was doing deep in the jungle when he crafted this cereal! Now, today's video is a 1963 commercial for the board game Mousetrap...do note the announcer's enthused voice, Billy's plastic hair and how many times they shout Mousetrap! I had the privilege of playing this once when I was young, in the early 80s, and I still love the Rube-Goldberg contraption that is the center of the game - take that you peanut butter stealing mouse!
Morning all! Well, things were a little shaky here at Cereal Brigade Logistics when I ran out of cereal and then milk but things are as they should be now!. Today, before I dive into a new box of cereal, I am having my second and last bowl of cocoa Rice Krispies that was provided by the Candy Critic himself - and they are from Japan no less! Now, I really like regular Rice Krispies and grew up eating them but these...these are ~chocolate~ and for me it makes them even more delicious. They stay crunchy a long time in milk, their cargo of chocolate sloughs off into the milk turning it chocolatey and of course there is the familiar snap crackle pop sound. So, despite a lack of pithy commentary like the Cap'n had (I'll save it for regular Rice Krispies), I'll just say cocoa Krispies is my kind of cereal indeed and I'll have to give it a 9 out of 10. I just can't bring myself to say 10 cause I believe there is an even better cereal just waiting! Now, for today's video I have another epic Greek mythology movie scene for us - Perseus vs. Medusa from Clash of the Titans! If you've ever wondered how to tangle with a gorgon, now you know... it's all about the mirror! I personally always feel bad about Medusa's plight in Greek mythology - in which, actually, I guess there are a great many people whose plight one could feel bad for!
But being aware of Halloween candy safety is important… or at least I think it is… not that I’ve ever heard of any real incident of candy being tampered with… ever.
Morning cereal troopers! I have yet to buy a new box of cereal, however, a word about healthy cereals. Now, I enjoy a box of some of these so-called healthier cereals and I am sure that they are indeed somewhat healthier, at least in terms of fiber. However, I had mentioned before how once upon a time candy-like cereals were more prevalent and nowadays they seem less prolific and their development in more of a torpor while the shelves burst with 'healthier' alternatives. Now I have no objection to healthier foods and cereals, we can see the effects of our high fructose MSG preservative based diets too readily.... still... the commercials of yesteryear call to me to try the latest, radical candy cereal! In the days to come we shall explore this phenomenon more fully. As for today's video, it's great! This has to be one of my earliest TV memories..I can't believe it's on youtube! I recall the cowboys, the gum and the 'XXX' gum the other guy was chewing.... let's watch now!
Hiya gang! That's the end of the Cap'n, this flavour ship has set sail for another few months! Aye, well, what can I say? It's crunchy, crunchier than many cereals in milk, it's sweet and cuts your mouth a little with an ambiance that recalls earlier days. A roundly likeable chap, the Cap'n is. Now, as for today's clip, I just happened upon a commercial for Mr.T cereal! It's cool! I am informed twice and invited to eat small Ts that from the description ought to taste like Cap'n Crunch. I don't even remember this cereal but after my video of C3POs it occurs to me that they'll make a cereal (or used to) out of anything! Now, Mr.T was a comparatively serious character but not even he could hold his own, cereal-wise, against the Cap'n... it seems to add to my pet theory that in fact, in the office, Cap'n Crunch is a ruthless businessperson!